l o a d i n g

BREDS CEO & Management Representative Centurion University. & Founder Director –Grama Tarang Inclusive Development Services Pvt. Ltd.

MR. A. RamaKrishna Raju

Agriculture, being the primary sector for the Indian sub-continent and major portion of the population depends agriculture for their livelihoods, it is indeed, attracts major concern at every level. Protection of environment is a serious concern today owing to depleting resources and degraded soils. So the need of the hour is to adopt new technologies in agriculture and horticulture which improve the economical status of the farmers and also protect the environment simultaneously. Integrated and innovative farming for better yields and sustainability by optimal usage of resources, organic manures and adopting natural farming practices, are considered to be the best solutions , for farm viability and farmer wellbeing .Sustainable Agriculture and natural farming gained popularity in the recent days owing to resource crunch and sustainability. Government of India has declared doubling farmers’ incomes (DFI) by 2022 as a national goal. Improving farmers’ incomes in a manner that is ecologically and economically sustainable is among the top priorities in national policy. the main thrust of the present strategy is on productivity improvement to improve farmers’ income and treat each farm as an enterprise and farmer as an entrepreneur. The treatment of each farm as an enterprise envisages a great paradigm shift. There is need to reorient the farming communities to these enterprise paradigms and equip them with the skills & creating a supporting ecosystem required for the transition.

BREDS Implemented Various Developmental Programs to Address improve the quality of life through better heath, reduced drudgery, and enriched environment and build capacities of the voiceless community in many parts of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. BREDS presents a vast canvas of challenges and opportunities for development professionals, Researchers, Volunteers, Field Practitioners, technologists and aspiring youth to translate their dreams in rural transformation into action and themselves get transformed in the process. This Journey in rural development may be explored at BREDS through, internships and volunteering opportunities or in the form of careers that ensured growth, enrichment and fulfillment.

Together we can achieve Self-sufficient self-reliant Gandhian Dream of “GRAM SWARAJ”

Core Values

  • Respect for human dignity and human rights
  • Inclusion
  • Gender equity
  • Accountability and transparency
  • People’ Participation

Prime Activities

  • Promotion & strengthening of Community based organizations (peoples ‘ organizations)
  • Natural Resource Management, Watershed development, horticulture promotion and organic Farming.
  • Convergence with government for better reach of services .
  • Farm & Non-Farm Livelihood initiatives and value addition of rural produce
  • Reproductive health, mother & child care and awareness building on HIV/AIDS
  • Skill Development Trainings for the rural artisans, entrepreneurs, youth and school dropouts
  • Development of life skills for adolescents and youth
  • Info Mediation
  • Business development services for the promotion of rural enterprises and  Rural Marketing
  • Sensitization and awareness building on rights and Entitlements
  • Support to victims of Domestic violence.
  • Child Development initiatives and Child Rights Advocacy
  • Community based disaster risk management.
  • Promotion of networks and people’s federations

+91 891-3262223


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